Welcome to the Governors' section
Dr T. Ennion | Head of School | Ex officio |
Mr C. Brown |
Foundation Governor, Chair of Governors |
19/03/2023 to 28/03/2027 |
Mr A Whiting | Co-opted Governor, Vice Chair | 12/11/2024 |
Mrs C. Hancock | Parent Governor | 27/03/2024 to 26/03/2028 |
Revd S. Hillman |
Foundation Governor |
27/06/2023 to 26/06/2027 |
Miss H. Weir | Foundation Governor | 27/06/2023 to 26/06/2027 |
Mrs G. Bridle | Foundation Governor | 06/03/2024 to 05/03/2028 |
Vacancies | 2 Foundation Governors, 1 Staff Governor and 1 Parent Governor | |
Ms V Thompson | Clerk to Governors | |
The chair of the governing body can be contacted through the school office. Please mark any correspondence for the attention of either the Chair of the Governing Body or Clerk to the Governing Body.
Governor Vacancies
Should you be interested in applying for any Governor vacancy positions please contact the Clerk in the first instance.
The scheme of delegation sets out the delegated powers between the different bodies involved in the governance and operation of Wessex Multi-Academy Trust (WMAT) and St Mary's CE Middle School.
Register of Business Interests: