Parents' Focus Group
We are all aware of the vital link between the school and home and of the need to communicate to ensure we do the best for the children as they grow into adults.
Over past years, the parents' focus group has made a really positive contribution to the life of the school. While we regularly speak to pupils and staff about various areas in the running of the school, parents are a vital source of opinion.
We are currently looking at the impact of enrichment activities and school trips on parents in the current economic climate, while another area of discussion are the summer tutor reports compiled for parents.
Last year we looked closely at the provision for home learning, the learning journals (formerly homework diaries), as well as other matters in the school (eg. communication, newsletters, etc...)
We also update members of the group on our areas of development relating to learning.
We are very appreciative of the contributions from everyone present.
If you are a parent of a child at the school and would like to join our parents' focus group or find out more, please email Miss Osborne: