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Our Wessex family of schools

School Association

Welcome to St Mary's School Association

What is St Mary’s School Association?

We are a registered charity run by volunteer parents and staff which aims to raise money to enhance your child’s learning experience at St Mary’s Middle School.

Every year, money raised is used to fund equipment, resources and experiences for the students and to subsidise school trips allowing a minimum cost to be charged to parents.

How is the money raised spent?

Over the years the School Association has…

  • part funded school trips to reduce the costs for parents.
  • paid for specialists to come into school to provide the students with experiences to bring subjects to life.
  • bought resources for the school such as library books, keyboards for the music room, cameras for drama and outdoor equipment for the playground.
  • helped to keep the swimming pool open by paying for various elements of its upkeep.
  • paid for end of term celebratory treats like crackers at Christmas, pizzas for the year 8 leavers party and breakfast and pizzas for year 6 during SATs.
  • organised events for the students such as discos, ice lolly Fridays, Summer and Christmas fairs.

How can you get involved?

We need all hands on deck to bake cakes, serve teas and coffees, sell lollies, be creative with the kids, man stalls, man BBQs, sell raffle tickets, etc...

You do not have to attend meetings and you do not have to help at every event. The idea is to spread the load but keep raising loads of money for our children.

So if you think you can offer your help no matter how big or small (whether that’s baking a cake or manning the door at a disco) please, please, please let us know by contacting us on

or via our Facebook page, search for

St Mary’s School Association, Puddletown

Seven simple ways you can help raise money for the School Association

  • Support our events and fundraisers.
  • Volunteer to help.
  • Buy your child’s name labels through   My Nametags and add our school ID Code 62058 and we then receive 24% of the value of your order. 
  • Sign up to our cause on Easy Fundraising
  • Ask your work if they could match fund a fundraiser.
  • Donate to buy a book for our library.

None of this would be possible without your support of our events and fundraisers so we’d like to say a huge thank you to all the St Mary’s Community.

Please support our events and fundraisers in any way you can.

We really do need everyone’s support to fundraise successfully.