Wessex Multi-Academy Trust
St Mary's CE Middle School benefits from being part of the Wessex Multi Academy Trust (WMAT). This is a growing organisation, with schools from all phases of children’s education. The trust helps us to foster close relationships with our partner schools, to create a unique and outstanding learning environment for all pupils and to ensure that shared expertise secures continuous school improvement and opportunities for personal development.
Contact details for the Wessex Multi-Academy Trust are as follows;
Wessex House
4 Poundbury Business Centre, Holmead Walk
Poundbury, Dorchester DT1 3GE
Website: Wessex Multi-Academy Trust Homepage
Telephone: 01305 231510
- Annual Report and Financial Statement
- Funding Agreement Deed of Variation
- Executive Pay
- Gender Pay Gap
- Governance Code of Conduct
- Scheme of Delegation