Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium Information
The pupil premium is a Government initiative that provides specific funds targeted at improving outcomes for students from deprived backgrounds. Research has indicated that this group of students underachieve when compared to non-deprived peers. The premium is provided in order to support these pupils in fulfilling their potential and not being disadvantaged. These pages detail how the pupil premium funding is used at St. Mary's C.E. Middle School.
The Department for Education states, “It is for schools to decide how the Pupil premium is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for individual pupils.” There is no obligation upon schools to spend the money directly upon those in receipt of free school meals or in care; however, this additional sum of money is provided to support schools in narrowing the achievement gap between different groups of pupils. The school will ensure that pupils in receipt of free school meals or in care will be the highest priority in terms of receiving support should the need to close the achievement gap be identified.
Free School Meals:
Please visit the Dorset Council Free School Meals web page for more information to see if your child is eligible. This contains a quick, easy, and confidential online application form. The financial information you provide will not be seen by your child’s school or teachers, and the school will only be notified if your application is approved.