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Our Wessex family of schools


St. Mary's C.E. Middle School views the safeguarding of pupils as its highest priority.  All staff are trained in a range of Safeguarding issues on a yearly basis.  This area of the school website is where you will find the most up-to-date policies regarding the safeguarding of pupils and access to resources that will help you safeguard your child out of school.

Mrs Becca Ross
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr Matt Tubb
Deputy Safeguarding Leads

Mrs Fiona Orr



Mrs Lucy Edwards

Miss Laura Osborne


Should you have a concern over the welfare of a child at St. Mary's, please contact the school office and ask for one of the five safeguarding leads to contact you as soon as possible.

If you have concerns over any child's safety, you can also contact the Children's Advice and Duty Service (ChAD) on 01305 228866 (Parents) or 01305 228558 (Professionals).

Link to ChAD if you are worried about the wellbeing of a child or young person in the Dorset area

If your concern for a child's safety is urgent, you should contact the Police on 999.


 This can be found BY CLICKING here

Further information can be accessed below-

Parental Advice Zone

The link below will take you to our Parental Advice Zone website area.  Here you can find links to different websites and documents that will help and support you with a range of different child safeguarding and wellbeing areas.  If you find any other resources that you feel it would be useful to share with other parents, please send the link and details to the school office.

Parental Advice Zone

Lockdown Procedures

A Lockdown procedure is in place at St Mary's CE Middle School, Puddletown. This follows the advice of Counter Terrorism, Policing and/or advisors at the Local Authority.

The Lockdown Procedure is practised routinely and at least annually. We generally aim to alert staff and students in advance of a lockdown drill, but this may not always be possible.

In the event of an actual lockdown situation parents and carers:  

  • Should BE ASSURED that the School understands concern for their child's welfare and is doing everything possible to ensure student and staff safety.
  • Do NOT contact the school.
  • Do NOT come to the school
  • Should WAIT for the School to contact them about when it is safe to collect their child, and where this will be from. Students will not be allowed to leave during lockdown.

Parents and carers are requested to ensure that the School always has up-to-date contact information by telephone, text and email.

The RUN HIDE TELL poster developed by the Counter Terrorism Policing is attached for your information.


Operation Encompass Safeguarding Statement

Our school is part of Operation Encompass. Operation Encompass is a national police and education early intervention safeguarding partnership which supports children and young people who experience Domestic Violence and Abuse.

Operation Encompass means that the police will share information with our school about all police attended Domestic Abuse incidents which involve any of our children prior to the start of the next school day.

Our parents are fully aware that we are an Operation Encompass school.

The Operation Encompass information is stored in line with all other confidential safeguarding and child protection information. We are aware that we must do nothing that puts the child/ren or the non-abusing adult at risk.

All Key Adults (DSL/DDSL) have attended an Operation Encompass briefing or completed the online Operation Encompass Key Adult training.

The Key Adult has also led briefings for all school staff and Governors about Operation Encompass, the prevalence of Domestic Abuse and the impact of this abuse on children. We have also discussed how we can support our children following the Operation Encompass notification.

The Key Adult uses the Operation Encompass Toolkit to ensure that all appropriate actions have been taken by the school.


The government-led, multi-agency Prevent programme aims to stop individuals becoming terrorists and prevent vulnerable people from being drawn into extremism. 

Please find attached the St Mary's CE Middle School Prevent Action Plan below.