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Our Wessex family of schools

Links with St. Mary's Church

The school is proud to have really strong links with our local village church, St. Mary's in Puddletown. Our local vicar is Sarah Hillman and she is a regular visitor to the school as well as being a school governor. She is activly involved in RE lessons and leads the clergy team in delivering regular Acts Of Worship to our pupils. She also leads our school worship group who help put together our annual refelection day.

The school is privileged to be able to use the historic St. Mary's Church in Puddletown village at several times during the year for collective worship, including opportunities for parents and other family members to join us to worship together. Each year, a group of our Year 5 students decide to take their first communion during a special service having learnt about the significance of communion as part of their Year 5 RE lessons. The whole school comes together three times a year at the church to celebrate Christmas and Easter. Pupils play an active part in both services, either through biblical readings or by providing the music for the service. At the end of the year, Year 8 pupils start our final Act of Worship together in the school hall and travel down to the church building as part of a reflective journey asking them to think back over their time at the school and what the future may bring.

The school is also proud to support the church at events such as the village service of Nine Lessons and Carols at Christmas as well as entertaining local residents at the village Christmas lunch at the village hall.