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Our Wessex family of schools


St. Mary's C.E. Middle School views exclusion as a last resort.  It is usually only used when:

  • a pupils behaviour puts the health and safety of either themselves or members of the school community at risk.  

  • a pupils behaviour consistently affects the education of themselves or other members of the school community.

Before taking any decision to exclude a pupil, a thorough investigation will be carried out which will include asking pupils to give their version of events, witness statements taken and consideration of any form of provocation.  Records of any previous incidents and misdemeanors may also be taken into consideration.

The decision to exclude a pupil may be taken following a period of investigation or on an immediate basis, dependent upon the circumstances of the incident.  The decision to exclude a pupil can be taken by either the headteacher or the deputy-headteacher.

No pupil will be sent off site before the end of the day unless contact has been established with parents/carers/nominated responsible adult.  In the event of contact not being made, the pupil must remain on site, withdrawn from class until the end of the normal school day. At the point of exclusion, a letter will either be sent home via first class post (and email if the responsible adult has an email address) or given over to the adult collecting the pupil from school, stating the reason for the exclusion. Telephone contact will be made with the parents/carers of the student informing them of the exclusion.  All exclusions will be recorded centrally in the School Exclusion Record and on school record keeping systems (SIMS). The Chair of Governors will be informed of all exclusions and the governing body will receive an anomilised report of exclusions at each full governing body meeting.

Please note that St. Mary's C.E. Middle school will always record a pupil being sent home from school as a result of poor behaviour as an official exclusion, even if this is for the period of the remainder of the school day. 

Parents may find the library of resources listed below useful for further information or guidance.